Estudio multicéntrico de la microbiota ocular saludable


Dr. Davide Borroni / MD PhD

Objetivo de la investigación
Estudio multicéntrico de la microbiota ocular saludable.

Métodos de implementación
Samples were collected with an eSwab with 1 mL of Liquid Amies Medium (Copan Brescia, Italy). Following DNA extraction, libraries preparation, and amplification, PCR products were purified and end-repaired for barcode ligation. Libraries were pooled to a final concentration of 26 pM. Template preparation was performed with Ion Chef according to Ion 510, Ion 520, and Ion 530 Kit-Chef protocol. Sequencing of the amplicon libraries was carried out on a 520 or 530 chip using the Ion Torrent S5 system (Thermo Fisher; Waltham, MA, USA). Raw reads were analyzed with GAIA (v 2.02).

We identified nine different ECSTs. A better understanding of healthy eye microbiota has the potential to improve disease diagnosis and personalized regimens to promote health.

Gerente de proyecto
Dr. Borroni Davide / MD PhD

Dr. Borroni Davide / MD PhD


Socio financiero
Eyemetagenomics Ltd

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Tagged in: Project

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