Ocular microbiota and forms of dysbiosis

The ocular microbiota plays an important role in the balance of the ocular ecosystem and in protecting against infection by external pathogens.

However, alteration of the ocular microbiota is known as dysbiosis and can be associated with several eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, and dry eye syndrome.

Ocular microbiota dysbiosis can be caused by several factors, including antibiotic use, eye surgery, diabetic disease, chemotherapy, and contact lens use.

Dysbiosis can lead to a decrease in microbial diversity and an increase in the presence of certain microorganisms, such as the bacteria Staphiloccocus.

Dysbiosis of the ocular microbiota can cause ocular inflammation and reduce the eye's resistance to infection. In addition, it can alter the composition of the tear film, increasing the evaporation of tears and cause dry eye syndrome.

Ocular microbiota dysbiosis can be treated through several therapeutic approaches, including the administration of probiotics, the use of targeted eye drops and antibiotics, and pulsed light therapy.

The choice of treatment depends on the underlying cause of dysbiosis and the severity of the associated eye pathology.

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